Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why We Luv Art - (Students)

March 2010.
To My "Little Artists"

Please write your opinions about why you luv art? Why do you think it is important to have art class?
Express your thoughts by writing here in this class blog.

At the end of your post - write your first name, last initial, & class period. (If you do not include your name then your message will be deleted.)

Thank you!
Ms. K.


  1. The reason why I love art is because I can be free to be creative and draw. I use my imagination. I've liked art ever since I was little. I was even a good drawer for a kindergardener. I think that I was meant to be a great artist.

    It is important to have art class because you can use your imagination and express your feelings in art. Then you can be very creative.

    Brenda L.
    Period 1

  2. I love art because it is very unique, and clever. What do you do in art that can be fun? You can draw, paint, and color. You can also express yourself and how you feel and no one can judge you. Even though people can think art can be boring, but when you get to know it and express your feelings it makes you feel great!

    I think art is important because it brings the essential part of you out and you can express it unlike other electives. Lastly, you can enter fun contests and maybe win something! As the best teacher ever says and I agree with her was, "don't break my heart. save art." I LOVE ART!!!!!

    Julia F.
    Per. 1

  3. we love art because we use our imaginations to express are feeling and then put in a drawing. It is important to have art class because it helps you to be unique and original. Also it helps us use the right side of our brain because the right side is the creative part and a essential part of a childs growth and development!
    Lili S.
    Kelsey O.
    Per. 1

  4. I like art for many various reasons. It would be such a shame if it got taken away from the school, then others wuldn't be able to experience and embrace the awesomeness of art. It would also leave a very good art teacher having to do something she doesn't love. It alllows you to express how you feel in different ways such as drawing, painting, etc. You can put down onto paper whatever you would like, and no one judges anything you put; it's all based on you and what YOU want to do.

    Art is important because You can use it for valuable reasons in life. What if someone needed an opinion on a piece, but you didn't know anything about it? That's why art would help you out. Art is a good elective and it is very helpful and also just simply fun.

  5. We love art because you can express your feeling and expressions through your artwork. We can be free to explore and create our own artwork. Art is very unique and clever in many ways. You can draw, paint, and color in many different ways. When you make something or draw something that is very good it makes you feel great and makes you feel that you did something good in life!

    Art is important because you can use the right and left side of the brain to be unique, creative, oringinal, and you can express yourself. Art makes you calm down and lowers your blood pressure. Art can be given to anyone or anything.

    Hunter L.
    Daniel Y.
    Period 2

  6. I like art because you can do many things. For example you can express your feelings, imaging, be original, and unique. It will be very heart breaking if art is not available next year because they would not have the opertunity to express themselves, have fun, and be more opened to other people. You also learn the quality of art and be able to do what you want to do. You do not need to follow certain instructions, you are just free to draw or create what is in your mind. So one last thing to say is PLEASE do not take art away!!!!

    Stephanie V.

  7. Art is important because its lets you expres your feelings and your free to draw and write or make whatever you want too. Art is also important way to help you be unique and be original and other things. In art you can also be creative and express your feelings when your mad or sad or even happy. In art you can just be creative with doing anything by expressing your self.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. There are many reasons why I like art. There is a lot of cool stuff to do, like having painting parties and entering contests where you can win prizes. We get to have fun, be creative, be original and unique. It would be very dissapointing if we did not have art anymore. Not only would the students be dissapointed, but also Ms.Kaplanis would be left doing something other than art,
    "Don't break her heart. save art"
    Briana C.
    Per. 2

  10. We love art. It lets us express ourselves in every way possible. it lets be creative people be creative. In art class the homework is actually fun and interesting. Our favorite parts of art are; painting, working with clay, and oil pastels. With art there are no limitations. We have the best art teacher ever. We are lucky to have such an amazing art teacher. Some other reasons we love art so much are, free drawing, working with our hands. Without art, our days would be nowhere near as interesting as they are. Art is important because it lets us express out true feelings. It is fun. No one can judge you on your art. It lets me be creative as we possibly can. These are some of the few reasons we love art.

    Matthew J.,
    Jack D.
    Period: 2

  11. I Luv art because it is fun. I love being able to express my emotions through art. I also love working with paint. I love being able to draw self portaraits. My favorite thing about art is when you make something and it comes out really good. Thats why I (Levi) luv art.
    I luv art because it is fun and is very creative. i luv to draw and paint, but the best art that i like to work with is clay cause it is fun creating modles out of clay. Thats what i like about art.

    levi h.
    kyle g

  12. we love art beause we have lots of fun in art class! ms kaplanis is great teacher. We like to do clay sculptures & glue beads on paper. We also love to do pointilism. Our favorite thing,so far,in art class was painting. painted color wheels! Art is one of the best classes at ESMS. We like to make animals; like dolphins, butterflies, Easter chicks, and elephants!

    Thomas D.
    Ricardo M.
    period 3

  13. I like art because there is always a time when you could draw or doodle anything you want. Art class relaxes your brain especially because i have art 6th period so it relaxes my brain after the whole day of hard work.

    I think art class is important because you learn how to draw and learn how to draw.

  14. We luv art because Ms.Kaplanis is the best. Art changes our mind, to a more peaceful mind. It takes us to a different perspective of mind. We think it is important to have art class because art gives us the advantage to make wonderful creations with our minds!!!!!!!!!!
    Our favorite part of art so far is painting and drawing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When we do art we are very creative, unique, proud, and open minded!

    Evan E.
    Robin A.

  15. I love Art because it allows me to show my emotions on paper.

    Tony E.
    Period: 5

  16. The reason i love art is because you get to have fun while doing your work. At the same time, its fun!

    -Garret T.
    -Period 5

  17. Why i love art? I love are because it is fun. When in art i can paint and free draw. And in art you can become a better artist. And I can draw or paint pictures for your family. And in art class you can express your fellings on paper. when there is an art contest you will have a chance to win things. When Ms. Kaplanis gives us a chance to win nice things. in art she teaches you new techiques of new art.

    It is imporant to have art class. Because you can have the most fun of the day. I like art better than all the other electives. when she gives you a homework assignment you are learing about some ohter subjects.

    Kyle k.
    per. 5

  18. I love art because its very creative and it is the only time we can express our feelings to draw. It is all so fun to just doodle on the page.

    Art is very important because their is diffrent styles of art. Its very important because you can really have fun with friends and you are drawing about life and other ideas. So it is like history class you learn about it and you write it down on a piece of paper but in art you draw some place or time in history.


  19. why we love art? I love art because I am a good artist. Do you think it is important to have art class? I think it is important to have art class. The reason it is important to have art is that it gives me ideas to what I am learning about. What I have learned in art like quilling I would not have learned that anywhere else.

    Ryan F.

  20. I love art because it relaxes me. I walk into art and just feel free and open to draw. I think its important to have art class because it lets people have opinions and it doesn't matter what other people think of your artwork because in your eyes its beautiful. Art class helps you have self confidence in yourself.

    Tabitha G.
    P. 6

  21. I love art because it's like a way to show how you feal on paper. Art class is important to me and other people because it's a great class and whenever I am in art class I can do work while i'm with my friends and while we all are sharing our fealings. Its a way to have fun, while learning new skills. Art even has mixed ways to show your other classes like drawing a picture of a time period and how it changed. Without art class it would be a horibbly boring day. Art class is very important to me and other students, because it's a way for us all to express our fealings on paper, and also everyone can have different ways to make art, which makes it more great.

    Cassie M.

  22. I think art is important in life. Art can be in many different forms. There is culinary arts, for cooking, fine arts for panting, etc. Art is important because without art there wouldn't be very many ways to express yourself. Art is an important elective in middle school because without art class there wouldn't be that many more fun electives.
    I like art class because I can express how I feel. Without art, it is like a world without color. I would be bored a lot because at home I like to draw.

    Cameron Rob.

  23. I love art and I hpoe it dosen't go away next year because of budjet cuts.I love art because it is a timewhen i can relax and not worry about the other stress ful things i have to do. so please next year don't cut art because me and other people will be sad with are other elective instead of art.


  24. Hi People of America, I think it's a bad idea to cut art. I think this because you could just cut some other teachers pay to fund for art for at least another year. If you do this then probably by next year everything will be fixed and you can still keep art and raise the teachers pay again.

    I also think this is a good idea because art is such a special class. You can express your feelings and not get arrested. It's such a nice class with a thoughtful teacher who wants to keep her class and her little artists. She doesn't want a different class and neither do I.

    By: S. Will.
    period 1

  25. Art is essential to a childs growth. It lets them express themselves and allows them to balance school and fun. Art is a way to give freedom to a child or a adult. I love art because it is a great way to leave the rest of the world and focus on something not of the world. It lets you focus not on what the media says, it is just you and your artwork.

    Erika M.
    P. 1

  26. i think art is very important beacuse it shows our creativity. without art there would be no world. without art there would be no other great way to express your feelings. the more you keep it inside, the more it hurts. art is the key to life and we deserve to learn it.

    Ramon G.
    period 1

  27. I love art because it gives kids the freedom and creativity to express ourselves. If we didn't have art, I would be sad because art is the perfect escape from reality. Art gives you the freedom to draw whatever you want and not be judged. Art gives you the oppertuinity to look at your work and be proud of yourself, because evry piece of artwork is a great piece.
    Jenny N.
    Per. 1

  28. To us, Kyle A. and Casey M., we think that art keeps us creative and loving life! Art keeps up loose. We love art class. It lets us open our mind and be free. It lets us express our feelings. It is so much fun when you finish a piece of art and you just feel amazing and feel accomplished. Its just amazing! weeee! Art is like cheese-its. When u get one you have to get more. (its addicting!!)

    Casey M.
    Kyle A.
    period 2

  29. We love art because you can be creative without people having to judge you. You can just break free into tour own little art world and you have no worries about anything once you get started in your own little art project. You can express your thinkings through art. You can use paint, colors, and draw and express your feelings.

    Jackson W.
    Liam O.

  30. I luv art because when I am in the classroom I feel like can just be myself and nobody can critisize my about anything. I think that it is important to have art class because as kids we need a way to let out our emotions. After every day when I get home I will sit on the couch and watch some TV after a while I feel like I need to let out my emotions and I am not aloud to yell in the house so I get out my scetch book and start to draw. After I finish I have already forgotten why I was drawing in the first place.

    Zac K.
    Period 2.

  31. i think art is very wonderful to have in school because everybody loves art. it expresses how we feel in many ways. that`s what I really think. and what about those people who want to become artist? they really must feel very down right now because that`s what they want to do in the future and that`s valuable to them. and i also love art because we have painting parties. also because we have the best art teacher in the world and we would really miss her and we want her to be with us for the rest of the school year and we all love her a lot because weve learned everything we know from her and we owe it all to her! thank you ms.kaplanes!


  32. I luv art because it allows free expresion and is a stress free environment that keeps the mind at ease. if art is taken out of schools many people will be sad. along with sadness they will be over whelmed with stress because students like me use art as a place of peace and free creativity.

  33. I love art because when I am in a bad mood, art calms me down and helps me to become a good person. art shows me how to express my feelings to other people when I need help. These are the reasons why I love art!
    Ezequiel R.

  34. I love art because it lets you express all your feelings through a piece of paper. It is fun and is one of the classes I look forward to everyday. I also love art because it's the only class that really triggers my creativity.

    Michelle G.

  35. We love art because we like to draw and be creative. Art is a great way to express yourself. You can draw, paint, and do other stuff. Art is an important class because get to show your artistic talent. This is why we love art.

    Lisa C.
    Morgan M.
    P. 5

  36. The reason I like art is because you can always get away from the real world and into the art universe. It is important for me to have a place I can go to relax my mind from other things. I always look foward to Period Five Art.

    -Kyle C.
    Period 5

  37. I luv art because it lets me do what I want to do with no restrictions and be free to do what I want. I love art and it is my favorite subject and I can not "imagine" life without it.

    -Ty K Per6

  38. I like art class because you can express yourself and be creative. Art class is important for me because It shows me things that are amazing that I have never seen before.

    Lauren G
    Per 6

  39. Because it is fun. Because you dont have to use your brain and you can show ur emotions !!!!!!
    -Tanner S.
    -Kenneth K.
    -Period 5

  40. Art is one of my only classes I completely enjoy. I can't count how many of friends want a career related to art and this is a great class to practice for that. I love art and my art teacher is the best.

    per. 5
    Caitlin H.

  41. I luv art because it is a way for me to be creative. It lets me be open and free to go wherever and draw about whatever I want to. If there was not art I do not know what I would do.

    I think that art is important because it opens a whole new part of the brain and it lets kids learn about what they want to.

    Jack L.

  42. In my opinion I think art is very fun because you can draw anything you want. Art calms the mind and makes me filled up with peace.

    I think art class should stay at the middle school because it is the only fun elective.

    -Garrett N.

  43. I like art because it is a chance for you to sit down and be creative. Also because you get to express your feelings. Art takes away stress for me and it makes me feel good excpecialy because i have it last period.

    -Isaac L.
    -period 6

  44. I like art because its a way to be unique and creatrive. You get to your imagination to draw. It is important because without art you cant make buildings, cars, and more.

    Nick N.
    Period 6

  45. I love art because i can relaxe my head from a full day of hard work. I can also learn more about diffrent artist in the world and learn more about painting. I think art is so much fun.

    Cameron R.
    per 6

  46. I love art because you can interpret it any way you like. You are also free to love or not love pieces..... and that is OK! You can spend hours, minutes or hardly any time at all with a piece of art and not be chastised or thought less of. When I go to a gallery, there are things I really love, things I really dislike and things I look and can't decide whether I like or dislike because I am confused. When this happens, I am usually trying to figure out what the artist is trying to tell us or "what were they thinking?! (in my best doctor Phil voice)." Art can serve as an outlet for emotions, a way of expressing oneself when there are no words and as an outlet for stress.

    While I have always toward the more logical side of things, my mother was an artist and so is a very dear friend of mine. I've modeled for both and have found the experience to be both relaxing and emotionally cleansing. You feel as if you've had a sense of renewal almost like a spa day or a great vacation.

    I still have many of my mother's pieces hanging in my home and they embody who she was and what she was like much better than any photograph ever could.

    -Ms. Haynes

  47. We love art because of many different reasons. First of all, because Ms. Kaplanis is FANTASTIC!! We can express our feelings through art, depending on if your happy, sad, depressed, extatic, excited, broken hearted, or even in love. Art showspart of you without being judged by others. There is no bad and good in art. Everything is beautiful in it's own special way. You can always be imaganitive. So, if you take art away from us, you are taking creativity away from our lives and no one will be able to express themselves.

    -Tiana S. and Daisy S

  48. Art is not just an extra curriculum but it is something where you can show your personality and express yourself. When I draw, it is magical. It feels like anything is possible. Art also helps make our imagination grow. With art at our school, you can be creative, have fun, be artistic, show who you are, and so much more. My passion is ART.

    Alaia P.
    period 2

  49. I like art because it is a chance for you to sit down and be creative. it gives me a feeling of being appreciated. it lets my mind relax and just draw.

    Jason M. period 3

  50. The reason why I love art is beause you are able to exprese your feelings. Art is a extra cirriculum class but it is also so so much more you can have draw and enter diffrent contets.

    I think it is important to have art class is because if you are ever mad you can just draw it andnot take it out on some one else. You can also show your true colors.

    Christal H.
    peroid 3

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  52. art is cool i hope its here next year or else i wont have a way to express my feelings on paper or be able to have a wonderful teacher like miss kaplanis

    Jason M. period 3

  53. I love art with a great passion. I love it that much because you get to use your imagination in every assinment. It would make me sad if they did cut art beause i have a very creative mind. And if they did cut art people could not show there true colors. T is is why they should not cut art in my oppinion.
    Serena R. period 3

  54. I love art because it gives mme a way to vent my emotions. Much of the time i have all these emotions bubbling up inside of me and art gives me a way to vent all of those emotions. I also love to work with paint and pastels and clay. Art is one of my favorite classes in school. It's sooooooo much fun to be able to make beautiful works of art. One of mt favorite things about art is when I do a picture and it turns out just the way i wanted it to. There's nothing like that sense of pride and accomplishment when you finisha beautiful peice of art. Keep art in our schools. If art is taken from our schools it will be awful.

    Emily F.
    Period 3

  55. i enjoy art beacuse you can express your feeling in any way you want - by like lets say painting drawing or coloring . i think its important to have an art class because people can learn new and differtn stuff about art and learn all the artest and stuff leading to your future that may be becoming an artist.

    David F.

  56. The reason why I really love art is because you can draw very freely. You can draw whatever you want during free time. Thw assignments that the art teacher gives us are really fun. You can really relate to the works of art. It is important that there is art because people get to express their feelings however you want.

    Lena A.
    Period 3

  57. I love art because it lets you expand your imagination with drawing pictures! I also like it because you can express yourself and your feelings to make a great work of art!

    Paige E.
    Period 3

  58. I like art because it is fun. There is no right or wrong way in art. Everything is made how you want to make it. That way you can be as creative as you want. that is why I think art is important.

    Brendan O.
    P. 3

  59. I love art because you can express your feelings and make a masterpiece out of your emotions. You can also have fun and enjoy art class. Another reason that I love art and think that art class is important because in art class you can take a break with your mind and just let it all out onto a piece of paper.

    ~Aliya E.
    period 3
    I <3 art!

  60. I like art because ever since I was very young I would draw pictures with my grandpa and I got alot of complements about them. I was always pretty good at drawing because I practiced so much every day. One of the biggest reasons I like it is because I have a creative mind.

    Dane C.

  61. Art class is also important because it is very peaceful and a fun hobbie to perform. Art class is also important because you can become a better artist and learn many skills to become a cartoonist or other type of art job. Art is fun and is very liked by people today.

    Michael O.
    Period 3

  62. Art is the one thing that let kids express their feelings. There are a million ways to be creative in art. There is no right or wrong in doing art. No one can be perfect. Art is the one thing which doesnt matter about you but how you express yourself in the artwork you put on paper. When doing art you can relax and let everything off your shoulders. The feeling when you do art is amazing, everything blurs except for your love for art. Ms Kaplanis is the one to stay, because she allows kids to be as creative as they want.

    Jamie M.
    Taylor A.
    Period 3

  63. I think art is important because you can always express your feelings with what you draw. It also makes the world look alot more pretty full.

    Sam O'C.

  64. I love art because you can express your feelings. You can have fun and enjoy putting all your wonderful ideas on the page.

    Art is important cause its the only subject you can imagine and do whatever you want. It is also a break from learning.

    michele a.
    period 3

  65. I love art because we get to be creative and we don't have to worry about doing somthing wrong. We can express ourselves thorugh our artwork, and can be creative in our own way. We also get a viratiry of art assignments so we never get bored with anything we do in art.
    We need art class in our district because art gives us a chance to be creative and free. We don't get that chance in our core classes and that chance is great.
    Talia D.

  66. The reason i like art is because art is so much fun. For example when i am bord i just start drawing because that way i have something to do. I love art - like i love drawing human its fun and awsome no matter what people say.
    Art is something u should never give up - y? because the more u try you will get better at drawing.

    Donna L.

  67. We luv art because you can never really be wrong unless you misbehave, which still isn't wrong in the world of art. You can draw a dragon eating a person and call it a firetruck because art is coming from your opinion and you can't be corrected in art.

    I think that art is important because it lets me express my emotions with different colors. I think that art is important because it's time to just let yourself do whatever you want. You can draw whatever you want without getting in trouble. That is why we luv art class.

    Zac M. Per. 2
    Gilbert C. Per. 2

  68. Art class is one of the few classes that I enjoy. I enjoy art class because it alows me to express myself. Without art class i would be sad.

    Benjamin L.
    Period 2

  69. I love art because you can be very creative when you grow up and draw anything you want to. It is also important to have art class because you can show your teacher the drawing you made. You can earn money if you show them the drawling that you made and it was very cool or maybe beautiful.

    catherine p.
    period 3

  70. I love art because you can draw and paint without any rules. I also love art because I like to express my feelings through my drawings that I make.

    I think art class is important because, without it, people would not be able to express themselfes every day

    Jack K.

  71. I love Art because I'm a good artist.
    I also love Art because it is fun. I like to draw cars and paint.

    It is in important to have art class because art makes me happy.

    Jeremy G.
    P. 3

  72. I think art is important because it is fun and Ms. Kaplanis is an awesome teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The scool would be different without her.

  73. I love art because I can be open minded. I feel that when I step into the art world I can create a spectacular work of art.

    I think it is important to have art class because you can be creative on no matter what you draw. I think that art is one of the most important elective because it helps kids be more crative and imaginative on what they draw.

    Mariela G.
    Period 5

  74. i love art because i can express myself. I have always loved art because I can do it wherever I am. In art you can draw, paint, color, and sculpt.

    I think art is very important especially to our school because we can all express ourselves in this class and it is a great elective.

    brookelyn c.
    period 5

  75. I love art because it allows you to be creative. You can draw what ever you set your mind to, and you can express your feelings.

    It is important to have art class because you can express your feelings in other ways then other classes can. You can do it on your free time too. Art is a very fun and creative class.

    Riley D.

  76. I love art because it is such a fun and creative way to learn new things. Art is also very fun to do when you don't have anything to do when you are bored. Art is also a great way to become very relaxed from maybe a really hard day. I also think that art should be put into all of the school in El Segundo.

    I also think that art is very open minded and out of this world. I had started art when i was about 5 years old. i entred the school contest and i had won 1st place. Ever since then i have loved painting with oil paint and i have entred every contest that i can.

  77. I love art because it is fun and I get to express myself

  78. I like art because I think that it is very important for students to express their minds. Art is also important because it is a way for kids to relax and they can do draw whatever they want to unlike other classes wheere everything is strict and you have to do everything in a certain way. -Shila B period 6

  79. I like art because it gives you the oppurtunity to express yourself, unlike other subjects. I also like it because you can learn so many tequniqes that can make your are fit your personality. I also like that there is no right or wrong way to do your art.-Layla Chamberlin period 6

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  82. I love art because it is one of the only classes when you can express yourself freely in any matter of art that you choose. in other classes you have to do what they tell you, but in art you can morph any subject into something representing you. Hunter McLachlan, period 6

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  84. art is really fun. it makes me sad to know that art might be cancled. i really like art because it is a relaxation of mind. art is important because it relaxes the brain after a hard day of work.
    Noelle H.
    period 6

  85. I love art because I think it's really fun and I like to do it to pass time by drawing and stuff. Art is really important for kidsn to have because it teaches them stuff that math and social studies and science and stuff like that can't. We also have to have art because school would suck with out it. Art is also important to have while growing up, too.
    -Piper M.

  86. I think art is important because it's a good creative outlet.


  87. It is fun and it is a brake from using your brain.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Tanner S.
    -Kenneth K.
    -Period 5

  88. I love art because I can be open minded. I feel that when I step into the art world I can create a spectacular work of art.

    I think it is important to have art class because you can be creative on no matter what you draw. I think that art is one of the most important elective because it helps kids be more crative and imaginative on what they draw.

    Mariela G.
    Period 5

  89. i love art because i can express my self and just have fun with art and not just be learning math and other stuff. You can be so happy and just have fun in art.

    It is important to have art class because then you can just have fun at it and not "hear do this and do that" and not what being told what to do. the teacher will give you an assignment and you can be your self and have fun while doing that assignment. just be your self in art class and not be someone you are not.

    -Karis O.

  90. I love art because you can show you feeling in you art work. Art is good beause you can win prizes when you do art contests.

    Art is important because you need to have another type of educational need. Art is important for school because you can get more talence off of art.

    -Evan W.

  91. I love art because it is such a fun and creative way to learn new things. Art is also very fun to do when you don't have anything to do when you are bored. Art is also a great way to become very relaxed from maybe a really hard day. I also think that art should be put into all of the schools in El Segundo.

    I also think that art is very open minded and out of this world. I had started art when i was about 5 years old. i entred the school contest and i had won 1st place. Ever since then i have loved painting with oil paint and i have entred every contest that i can.

    -Aleena A.

  92. I luv art because there is not a wrong and a right. You can draw whatever you want and no matter what it is it will wont be right or wrong. I also luv art because it can mean whatever you want it to mean. Art is one of my favorite subjects and I would be mad if there was no more art class.

    With out art the school would be very different and many people would be upset. The school would also be different because many students would not have a good way to express feelings and might express their feelings in a bad way. I hope all schools will have an art class in the future!!!!!!

    Kylie R.
    Period 5

  93. I think art is cool because you can express yourself on paper. I love this subject because its fun and makes me happy and relaxed. Somethimes it can save the world from war by inspiring people to stop war, abuse, and start kindness...
    -Becky T. <3

  94. I luv art because it has many ways to express your feelings and you can be very creative. The things that I mostly love about art are using pastels. I love to smear the two colors together and make one beautiful color. Oh and bye the way I don't like the idea of the school board canceling art class at all. It was a very dumb idea of then
    lucas F.

  95. I love art because I can express my emotions and feelings through it. It gives me a chance to let out my creativity and my uniqueness. I is also really fun and most kids have been doing art since they were in preschool.

    I feel that it is important to have art class because it teaches you to be creative, and how to use your expressions in it to show how your feeling. Also if you put your mind to it you will be proud and confident of the work you have done.

    Cameron R. (girl)

  96. I love art because it lets me be as creative as i want and it lets me express the feelings a emotions I have. I think art is very important especially to our school because we can all express ourselves in this class and it is a great elective.

    Miranda R.
    Per. 5

  97. i like art because it fun and its inportant because it is a way for kids and adults to express there feelings. also it is relaxing.
    -brittany c.
    -peirod 6

  98. I love art and I am not sure what I would do with out it. I love being able to like characters in movies and then being able to draw them. I am glad I have been able to be skilled at art and I am glad that it has made me as creative and imaginative as I am today.
    Ethan T.

  99. I love art because I can express myself. i am peaceful when i am in art class. the art class you can paint and you can draw anything you want. that is what art class in all about. thats how fun art class is.

    -jasmine K.
    -period 6

  100. I love art because it is very peaceful and you can show your emotions. You can draw or paint anything.

    -Jordan D.
    -Kayla R.

  101. I love art because it's a way to release all your inner feelings. I think art class is important to the school because other kids are able to look at your art and think of maybe what you were thinking when you created the art.
    -Ethan G.

  102. I enjoy art because you can express yourself in many ways. And because you can do anything you want and be opened minded to what you do. This is why we enjoy art. Art is even important to us because we can express ourself. we love art.

    -Carley L.
    -Samantha D.
    -Period 6

  103. I love art because it is the only time you can be creative without doing work, you just express yourself in pictures. Like when you are happy, sad, mad you can draw what you feel and calm your self down. I think that art is the funnest most quiet subject in school.
    Kris C.

  104. I love art because it is more then just pencil and paper. It takes you to another world. It's like there's no one else around you all the hate and suffering goes away. When you paint it's like it's only you and nothing can hurt you no matter what. It's just you and your feelings. You can express your self in any way shape or form. What you feel is what you paint. It's impossible to mess up a painting because it's you, your not perfect so your painting won't be either. It's a world where theres no such thin as a mistake. That is why I love art.
    Julie F
    preiod 1

  105. I like art because it is awesome, gives me a chance to draw in school, and because it lets kids have fun.

  106. I love art because you can express yourself. I am very creative. And when I can I will draw. I think it is important to have art class is because you can be open minded. It is alos important to have art class because you can use your right side of the brain.


  107. I love art because if you are painting a picture and you make a mistake, then it will still be considered art. There are no mistakes in art, no matter what you draw. In art you can express all of your emotions. Whether you are happy,sad,angry,etc. Anybody can make a masterpiece expressing what they feel. I think the government is being stupid by cutting art class because everybody needs to use the right side of your brain. If you don't,you'll never get to be able to express your creativity and your feelings. Because all of your feelings and creativness will be locked inside of your body forever! So PLEASE let the government think twice.
    -Brianna H.
    -Siarra H.

  108. I think that it is very important because art is a talent that can be practiced in art class. It also allows you to express yourself and open up to the world and show your true colors!
    -Andrew C.

  109. The reason i love art is because there are so many ways to express your feelings through art, you could show that your happy, sad, etc. also there is no way that your art can be a mistake. art is a free draw of life! why art class is so important in life because they could funtion their right side of their brain. then it wouldnt get exercise if art wasnt alive! government dont you want to make a better choice to keep art alive because you dont want everyone to go brain dead on their right side of their brain?! please think again! thanks!
    -Hannah N.
    -period: 2

  110. The are many reasons of why I luv art. First, Without art, students wouldnt be able to express thier emotions or feelings through a beautiful piece of artwork whether you're happy, sad, anxious, etc. Second, There is no right or wrong. Your piece of artwork is never a mistake. Sometimes, were all searching to find no mistakes and art helps you feel that. Last, Art classes provide students a chance to develop their creative skills and thier amazing imagination.
    Art class is so important to have for many reasons. First, it is confirmed that Arts education strengthens student problem-solving and critical thinking skills, adding to overall academic achievement, school success, and preparation for the work world. Second, for some students, Art is their motivation for coming to school and an area(or a bubble) where they have success or excel, providing an important balance in their total educational experience. Lastly, art's education helps develop a positive work ethic, flexibility, and pride in a job well done. *Please, don't take art away from us. It's our only way to express in a fun way who we really are.

    Katherine c.

  111. I think art class if fun because you can go to the painting parties. It is important because art can make you feel happy and you can express yourself through art. As long as you do the work you can get a good grade even if you arne't the best artist. I liked the clay animal project the best.

  112. I love Art because when I get bored I draw with my imagination. My favorite thing to draw is Cartoons. I want to take Art next year and I hope they do not get rid of Art class.

    Sebastian H.
    Period 6

  113. I like art because you get to express your feelings using drawings of anything you want. Art is a thing that anyone can enjoy at anytime. If you do art then it will make both of your sides of the brain think and not just one. Art is my favorite subject of the day every day. I hope I get to be doing art next year to keep expressing my feelings in a lot of different ways like everyone else should be doing.
    -Tomas N.

  114. I luv art because it lets you express yourself and helps you escape boredom and restlessness. It helps you relax your mind and gives you a great sense or feeling of freedom that you normally might not have. Art is essential to life because without any kind of art - whether it be visual or performing arts - our lives would be unbelievibly dull without any fun.

    Saqif H.

  115. Art teaches about cultures all over the art world in the past, present, and future.

    -Daniel A.

  116. I like art because you are able to express who you are. It is something you feel that you want to do. Or you can do it for fun like you can doddle in your sketchbook. I really would miss art if art was taken away. Art is something I would really miss. I think the homework is really fun, well I think the homework is fun. And I really like your teacher. She is really cool and happy every day. She goes to school and says “Good morning.” And that is way I like art.
    -Bridget G.

  117. I luv art because you can express all your emotions and feelings that you have inside. I luv art because there are a lot of different ways you can do it such as different materials, not like math where you have one formula and everything goes by that rule. Art is a good way to exercise your brain and keeps you thinking with new challanges and stradegys. Art can be for everyone. Art has no judgement and is never wrong. You can be yourself. It is also a fun way to take up time other then watching tv or always being on the computer. I luv art because it lets me be free in my mind and shows who I am or what I am feeling.
    -Lena G.

  118. Art is a great elective to have and is something I enjoy. It allows you to express your feelings through it and takes your mind off of things. Art comes with a variety of fun things such as paint, pastelles, pointillism, and several other things to do. I like art a lot and hope it stays around.

    -Imaiya-Milan W.

  119. I love art class and it is just as important as all the other classes in the world it is not fair to take it out. Art class is fun and helps you work both sides of your brain. while in art you are free because you get to create the simpiliest things into masterpieces. I do not think it will be fair to all of the kids in the united states that are taking art class. You shouldnt be able to just take away someones talents - they should be free to express themselvs.

    -Ryan K.

  120. why i <3 art i love art because it is creative,colorful,new,old,and fun. it is easy to do dont have to be exact. you can use almost and thing to do like a pen,panit,pencil and or anything else. so if you dont know how to make u do u just have to be creative and do what ever u want make it your own remake it with anything u can write or draw with !!

    Erin C.

  121. The reason we luv art is because it letz us express ourselves freely. It gives us empathy a feeling most kids are missing nowadays. You can draw anything without anybody criticizing u. You could draw a cow, but show how u can draw without being criticized.

    Anything is a art project. A simple number can be transformed into a magnificent piece of art. Art is in many cultures even in music, sculpting, videos, and drawing. You can make still-life and portraits. That is why we luv art. So please don't discontinue it.

    -Nethaniel P.
    -Bryan P.
    -PERIOD 2

  122. I think art is important to everyone. Not just as a class but also something to do. Our world and school needs art. We do not get to express ourselves very well without people thinking it is wrong or having problems with it. Art lets you express yourself anyway you want without people judging you on it because they can't. Art is what you want it to be and noone can say otherwise. Noone can say it is wrong or right because in art there is no wrong or right. Art is cool.

    -Parshan S.
    -Period 5

  123. Art is my favorite subject. This is my second year taking art and i have always enjoyed it. The main reason why I love art class is because we get to do homework assignments and projects that we enjoy. this class is not just to teach you to draw, or paint. It is to learn to enjoy art.
    The reason why art is important is because it teaches you how to see the world in a different way. You can draw people with different emotions, or even landscapes that show how the world looks.

    David F.

  124. I love art because you can say what you feel inside. Its a fun way to express myself. It makes me feel very good inside when I make a great drawing that I put my heart into.
    -Sam G.

  125. I luv art because it is really fun, and their is no right or wrong way to draw or make art. NO-one really judgesyour art, so u can do whatever and make it look cool. Art is like spending can never do it too much!
    kori h. period 2

  126. I love art because you can express your feelings however you would like to. There is no right or wrong answer. You can't have someone over your shoulder saying "Thats Wrong" or "That's ugly" because it's your artwork, and there is never a right or wrong answer. I want to keep taking art till 8th grade !


  127. I love art because you can be creative and draw what ever is on your mind at the time. Art is fun because you dont have to keep doing things over and over again like other classes

    Art is important to the school because it is a class where you can express your feelings. there is no other elective like it!

    Catherine Walz

  128. I love art because it is so calm and laid-back. Art allows you to be creative in your own way and not have to worry about what other people say. i have art first period and i like coming in and not having to worry about math or science yet. In art you can be yourself and have a great time. Art i cool!

    Mae V.
    period 1

  129. I love art because it gives me a chance to express my feelings. Art is good because there is no wrong answer. Whatever you do it right and there is no one to judge it. It is very important to have art class because all children need a time to be creative and express how they feel. My favorite thing about art is that even the smallest line can be a great work of art.

    Alexandre S.
    Period 5

  130. I love art because I can just relax and draw. When i'm just sitting at home and i'm bored out of my mind it's good to know that i can just pull out my sketchbook and just start drawing my feelings.

    I love art because some of the more famous artists work sometimes doesn't make any sense to your self and it doesn't matter because it's a masterpiece.

    I love art because it's fun,cool, and lets people pull out there crazy selves for a little while.

    Griffin M.
    Period 2

  131. I love art because when i come into class i can just take out my sketchbook and start drawing and using my expressions in my art. So basically when Im in art i can express myself.

    Shelby H.
    Period 6

  132. i love art becuase you can express yuor fellings and do fun activities and take your sketch book and draw .and i love that we can do lots of stuff with art.
    gabi fenton

  133. We love art as parents because it's an excellent way to bond with our kids. Coloring, painting, visiting museums are all ways of connecting with our children and sharing the beauty of art.

  134. I love art because you can draw/sketch/paint whatever you want to. And anything you do in art you save, because nothing is a mistake or trash. (:

    -Ava J.
    -Period 6

  135. The reason I love art is because you can be creative and show your originality. It doesn't matter if your good at it because you can be creative with it and make something amazing. I love doing art because I can express my feelings through it. When it comes to art, there is no real right or wrong. You can go anyway you want with it.

    We need to have art because it is a time when people can show their creativity. People can't judge your art because if it something that you worked hard on, thats all that matters.

    Art rocks!!!!

    Morgan R.
    Period 2

  136. Save the Art Class!
    I like art because you are able to express your feelings. I enjoy drawing scenes of nature. It is fun for me to draw the pictures and it is probably fun for artist to do so also. Artists went to some kind of art class when they were younger exposing them to try art. Since they took that class and practiced, they became a famous artist. If people take away art class, students might forget or not have time to do art. There will eventually be fewer artists and fewer beautiful pictures in the world. Art makes people happy and kids too. By cutting out the art class, the students would have less opportunities to be open too. There are a lot of students who take art because they like it. Please do not take out art class as you would be hurting the students.

    -Amber L.

  137. The reason I love art is because I can be myself and no one can really tell me what to do. It is the best elective.

    It is important to the school because it lets you be yourself and you can express yourself into your art. Plus the teacher is really kind.

    -Ruben F.

  138. I like art because it is a way to show feelings and express yourself in a fun way. :)

    -Brandon C.

  139. I love art because you can express your feelings in it. No one can criticize you in what you do. There is no right or wrong in art and art is a way just to relax and be loose.

    I believe that it is important to have art in school because it is a positive way to express your thoughts and feelings. It gives students another way to share their thoughts,ideas, and talents. Keep art in school!!!!

    -Grant B.
    -Period 2

  140. i like art because you can express your feelings and use your imagination. if you are taking art in high school youl fail if you don't do good so you need art.

    -norayr d.

  141. i love art because it is a way to say your feelings.



  142. I love art because you could be able to express your felings. Another reason is because we need for it life and its a great apurtunity for us and i always wanted to learn art. It always makes me feel very happy - I love art. those are the reasons why i love it.
    -Dailynn H.

  143. I like art because it allows you to express yourself, unlike other school subjects. I also like that there is no right or wrong way to do your art, because its like your own personal opinion. Art also gives students the opportunity to share their ideas, thoughts, and opinion. I really enjoy learning new techniques to make my art more personal.
    -Layla C.
    -Period 6

  144. art is important to all of the students who llove art including me. I love art because i can express my feelings. I can throw paint on a canvas or draw a picture of the person I hate getting eat by sharks or a dinosaur. Ever since i was little I would draw when I was bored of tv, video games or computer. As I continued my artwork improved over the years. I never took art classes before. BUt if the state takes art away from us i wonder what the future kids will do when they are bored of eletronics and games......
    -Aryel Davis period 1

  145. I love art because you can express yourself in many different ways. You can also make what ever you want without being directed and copying exactly what is given like the other classes. Instead you can do a parody of something and make it your own. It would be heart-breaking if we didn't have art class any more. Sometimes I wish all classes could be just art, art, art. That would be awesome :)

    -Kelly G.
    -Period 1

  146. Art is really important to all of the students here at ESMS because it helps them to express themselves in a way that they can't in other classes. You can show all the ways that you are unique and make things that you are truly proud of. Not all people, like myself are good with math and some other classes in school. Art is a place where me, and others like me can really shine and have fun. Art is that one class in everyone's day that they aren't stressed out about and that they can look forward to. So, for the sake of the happiness of the student body, please consider keeping art in the budget.
    -Christian H.
    -Period 1

  147. We love art because it gives us a chance to express our feelings in ways we never really tried. Art shows the creative side of each person, a new side of everybody. Once you get into art it becomes one of your favorite things to do and enhances creativty. Thats why we love art.

    Stevie R.
    Period 2

  148. We love art class because with art we can open our minds and be free. We get to paint, draw, or create what we want or are feeling. Art is important to us because it is relaxing and awesome..and fun..and cool..and amazing. It is also fun to randomly doodle on a page. It is important to have an art class because it gives a chance for students to take their minds off school and focus on just having fun.

    -Alex K.
    -Kayla G.

  149. I love art because you can express yourself and be creative. I think art is important because some people need art to express themselves. I love art - it's very fun and I would not like it if it gets cut from our school next year. You can never mess up in art, because no one is perfect and thats part of the fun in art.

    -Leilani P.
    -period 6

  150. I like art because I like to draw and it is fun. It helps you write.
    -Osvaldo N.

  151. i like art because i can express my feeelings and draw stuff
    -Chris S.

  152. Art is a passion. You can express yourself in any way. Art is not just painting or drawing. It is a way of life. I would not be happy if art wasn't around. Art is what keeps a smile on my face every day. Art is the only time I have to draw what I feel. My art may be sad sometimes because maybe I am feeling sad. I feel artistic when I am in art.
    Art is my life.

    -Chelsea T.

  153. I love art because it gets into your deep emotions and art could help you by doing so. Art is good because it can tell that if you were mad sad and or happy. Art is good for education because without art you cannot use your imagination and that is one of the greatest thimgs in life. Without imagination there would be no airplanes or anything....... art has come through and has made a big difference in life. Art is the best thing that could happen to us....... plus you can explore your true COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Nick S.

  154. We love art because it gives us the chance to be individuals. There are alot of reasons why we love art for example you can experese yourself in ways that you probably didn't know you could. Being in an art class nobody can say anything because its the way you feel that is drawen on the paper. For me being in an art class is really cool.

    -Lynna G.

  155. I love Art because first off miss Kaplanis is the best teacher. She teachs everyone a lot. Art lets you be free and open minded. You have complete creative controll. If art is gone many teachers will be out of jobs and we will lose one great elective to chose from.

    Matt A.
    Period 5

  156. I love art because you can let your feelings out in a fun way. Really i am way better at drawing things then painting and sculpting. ART is better than all electives and classes really if you have first period it will be way better than all classes. We have ms. Kaplanis who is a very good teacher and has been teaching for years and she makes art fun thats why i love art.
    -Chris P.

  157. I love art because of my AMAAAAAZING art teacher, the wonderful CAMI KAPLANIS, who loves her little artists as much as we love her :D
    I miss you Ms. Kaplanis! I will have to visit your class someday and see if your students are living up to our standards! Hehe
    Love, Theo Miesse

  158. i love art because u get to be in the same class as that beutiful and inteligent art teacher, she is a babe. she is the most fun teacher in the entire school, shes the best and shes a total babe ;)

    love and-urs frankenberger

  159. i LUV art because i got to meet this fine lady cami kaplanis my art teacher for three years in a row and i think we can all agree that cami is pretty much an angel with her long brown hair, iron-man thighs, and i must say that cami is the only woman that can pull off wearing an esms art shirt everyday. KEEP IT UP MS KAPLANIS ;)

  160. I believe that art should stay and we should illuminate another elective.

  161. Art is importent because it helps kids express themselfs and is good for creativity reasons.
    -Addy K.
