Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What would YOU choose?

What would YOU choose?
If you could choose any elective class you wanted to take at ESMS , what would you choose & why?
(Please list your first & second choices for electives.)

Your elective choices are:
  • ART.
  • BAND.
  • CHOIR.

~Sign your first name, last initial, & class period #. ~Thanks!


  1. I would take art becuase the other ones are probably fun but art is better. maybe when i'm in 8th i'll do spanish..but for now i'm going to do art.
    -Aryel D. per1

  2. The first elective I would want is theater arts themn my second choice would be chorus i love to act and i love to sing and i have been in chorous befor

  3. For my first choice I would pick peer assistance and student government. For my second choice I would choose spanish so i can get ahead for highschool.

    Julie F.

  4. For my first choice, I would take Peer assistance and Student government because I would like to work with 6th graders and it seems fuun ! My second choice is choir because i like to sing; and all my friends do it(:

  5. My first choice would be chior because i love to sing. My second choice would be art because i love to draw and i want to get better at it.
    Catherine W. per.1

  6. For my first choice I would pick spanish because I am good at speaking spanish. For my second choice I would pick band because, I would like to learn how to play a real instrument.

    Tomas N.

  7. my first would be band Then spanish

  8. we would choose spanish as our first elective besause it is a common language in california. second we would choose art because we like to draw.
    -Andrew C
    -Nick K

  9. My first choice of a electives I would choose computers. I would choose this because I could learn all new computer tricks and I wouldn't have any homework.

    By: S. Will.

  10. If we were to pick an elective, we would chose to take Spanish and/or computers. we would chose computers because computers would give us a better future because you should always know how to work a computer. for Spanish we would like to take it because it would give us a better record for knowing another language. when you are older wherever you work you get a better check for knowing more languages other then English.

    ~Ramon G.
    ~Ryan K.
    ~period 1

  11. My first choice is lab because I don't like doing home work at home.
    -Danny A.

  12. My first choice is choir. Because i love to sing a lot. The next choice is art because i love to draw.
    -Bridget G.

  13. We would both choose spanish because we need credits for high school. Art is fun but you don't need it for college. If we get enough credits for all of our classes to get into a university by our senior year we will take our favorite class, art.

    -Tyler S.
    -Christian H.
    -Per. 1

  14. My first choice would be student government because i tried last year but didn't get in and my second chooice would be spanish because that is my heritage.
    -Ruben F.

  15. We would chose either art or peer assistance because you could express yourself by either drawing or trying to talk to new people, and we could help people by helping them with their personal problems. These classes also teach us lessons about the importance of life.

    By Cassie M and Kelly G.

  16. For my class electives, my first choice is spanish because it would be fun to learn a new language. My second choice is peer assistance & student government because I would like to be more involved in this school.

    -Jenny N Period 1
    -Erika M Period 1

  17. We both would want to take Spanish for our first choice, but our second one is different. We would like to take Spanish because it gives us a different language to learn and a better chance of getting a job. One of us for our second choice would like to do art again. I chose art again because it can express yourself with meanings and feelings. The other would like to do drama. I like to do drama because I get to act and have fun! :D
    - Julia F. and Imaiya-Milan W.
    - per.1

  18. I would like to take computers, because computers is all about technology. For my second choice I would like to take art again, because I love art.
    -Chelsea T.

  19. If we could choose any elective, we would choose Spanish. Our 2nd choice would be peer assistants. We would want to choose Spanish because it gives you a chance to learn another language and for high school one of the classes you have to take is another language. Also, you could understand people that speak Spanish, like if you went to Mexico on vacation. Or if you get a job where you need to talk with people who speak another language like Spanish. We would also want to do peer assistance because it seems really easy & fun. If we don't have time to finish our homework at home, peer assistance gives us a chance to work on it. And it would be fun to walk around the school for a class period.

    -Kelsey O.
    -Lili S.
    -Period 1.

  20. i would choose peer assistance or student govrnment. i would choose this because i would like to help with the school and all its activities. as a second choice i would choose computers/journalism/ yearbook. i would pick these because they all look fun. i would especially like yearbook. as a third choice i would pick spanish because it looks easy and i would like to learn a different language.
    -Mae V.

  21. The first elective that I would pick would be art. My second choice if I didn't get art would be spanish. I would pick art first because I love it. It is very fun. I really love to draw. I enjoy the assignments and the activities we do in class.
    -Brenda L.

  22. i would choose to take student government because i love helping people and caring for everyone.

    -britnie W
    -period 1

  23. The first elective I would choose would be choir because i love to sing, and it's really fun. My second choice would be peer assistance & student government because i like to help out and make our school a better place!(:
    Ashly T.
    Period: 2

  24. 1.Student government and peer assistance

    We would choose these electives because we like to help people and draw.

    -Kori H and Stevie R

  25. I would pick Peer Asstience as my elective because i like going around school and doing other things rather being in classs. And also on certain days you get to go to center street and help the kids there and stuff.You can also do yor homework in class so you can have a head start on it.My second choice would be choir because in third grade to fifth grade i as in choir and i had alot of fun and i got to be in it with my friends and you can also make new friends. And I like to preform and stuff.
    -Veronicca V.

  26. Our fisrt chocie for an elective would be student government & peer assistance because we want to help our peers and be more invovled into making our school the most wonderfullest place on earth. Our second choice for an elective would be choir because we loove to sing while having fun with our peers.

    Katherine c.
    Morgan R.

  27. I would choose spainish because i've always wanted to learn a new language other than english,and speaking an entirly new language woul be cool.

  28. My first choice for an elective would be Spanish. By taking Spanish in Middle School I could be relatively fluent by the end of High School.
    My second choice would be art. Art is a great class in which I can express myself. art is the most fun elective.

    Bnejamin L. 2nd Period

    -BRIANA C.
    -PERIOD 2

  30. My first choice would be peer assistance because it seems like fun. And my second choice would be choir because i like to sing.

    -Kayla G.

  31. My first choice of a elective would be peer assistances becasue it is fun to help other people. My second choice would be spanish because I would like to learn another language.
    ~Hannah N.
    ~period: 2

  32. The class I would want to choose would be Spanish. I now a little but I want to more. And another class would be for my second choice would be computer! Because I would like to learn more about computer and it seems interesting to take pictures, and to learn about technology! <3
    -Elizabeth H.

  33. Between all of the electives I would choose art and Peer Assistance. My first choice would be Art and my second choice would be Peer Assistance.

    -Alaia P.
    -period 2

  34. If I could pick any elective out of the category it would be student gov and peer assistance because i like to be helpful to students and teachers. It makes me feel good that i helped someone in need. My second pick would be spanish because it will be good for the future and could help me get good jobs. I could get around towns that don't speak english, which would be helpful later on because i want to travel. I also speak german so i would now know 3 languages.
    -Lena G.


    We would pick art and band because it is one of our favorite past times and because it helps us release our emotions.

    -Zac K. and Jack D.

  36. my two electives i would pick would have to be art and spanish. i would pick art so that i can experese the way a feel and i would pick spanish second so i can learn a different language and get more jobs in the future.

    -Lynna G.

  37. If i had first choice to pick an elective it would be spanish. I would pick spanish because spanish can actually help you in life. For example you can be a translator in a court case, or you might get good jobs that need people that speck 2 languages. If you travel that might benifit you too. My second pick would student government because you find ways to help your school and people.
    *Stephanie V.

  38. My first choice for an elective would be spanish because i would like to learn a new language and go to mexico so if i learned spanish it would be easy to travel there. Spanish would also help me in high school get through my language course.
    My second choice would be Computers because i like to use computers and would want to learn more about how to use them. this would help me at home and school for other project i need a computer for.
    -Alex k.
    -Per. 2

  39. we would chose art as our first thingy. i like the color blue while on the other hand, kyle like the color orange! we love art class. merry artmist!!! our second choice would be art again!!! yeah.... our third one would art again again...... SIKE it would be peer assistance.
    -CASEY M. and KYLE M.

  40. We would choose spanish because jwalz and i want to be prepared for highschool
    -Jackson W.
    -Liam O.

  41. my fist elective would be per assistance because i want to help younger people tyhen me. my second chice would be art becasue it is very fun.
    -grant b.

  42. Our first elective would be peer assistance and student government. We want to do this because we want to inspire our peers to do things good for the school. We like to do good things for the school.Our second choice would be art because Ms. Kaplanis inpsires us to do well in our art work.
    -Hunter L. & Daniel Y.

  43. my first choie would be peer assistance and student government. My second choice would be spanish because I want to get into a good collage when i am older.
    Serena R period 3

  44. The elective that I would probaly choose would be CHOIR and/or PEER ASSISTANCE. I think that chior would be fun because you get to sing and dance and I love to do dance and sing. I also think that peir assistance would be fun as well because you get to go help other teachers at other schools and i love to help other people and sepically teachers
    -Christal H.

  45. Next year i would like to have SPANISH for my first choice and art for my second. the reason for SPANISH is that you get paid more if you know more than one language and i wanted to learn SPANISH.

    art was my second choice is art because it was lots of this year !!!!! i hope you do art again next year >>

    Erin C. period 3

  46. My first allective would be peer assistance because i want to help others. My next allective would be theater arts because i like to act and be free.

    Michelle A.
    period 3

  47. My elective choices wif i were going to this school next year would be these. My first choice would be art because i'm always good at art because i put my heart into almost every peice i do. My second choice would be band because i really want to learn how to play the piano the only problem is that my mom and I can't find some one to teach me. so those would be my elective choices for next year if i was going to this school.

    -Emily F.

  48. art because it lets me express myself

  49. My first elective would be spanish because i want to speak fluent spanish.

    My second elective would be art because i can express my feeling through paper.
    Michael Olek

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. if i could i would choose art as my 1st choice because its fun

    my second would be band because i like music.
    Jackson Koppeoman
    period 3

  52. i would chose art or spanish. Art because it lets me be creative and i like it allot then i chose spanish be i would like to learn a new languge it would be allot of fun.
    -Kyle G.

  53. My first choice for an elective is ART because it is fun. My second choice is computers because to figure out what they are about.
    -jeremy g.

  54. I would choose peer assistanes and spanish.Ichoose these caues they sould fun.
    -Sam O.

  55. I would choose spanish because it would be fun to learn a language and I would choose band because I know how to play the drums.

    -Dane C.

  56. My first choice is peer assistance my second one is band.

    -Tyler N.

  57. I would choose band as my elective because I love music!
    The instument that would play would be trombone.

    -Thomas D.
    -period 3

  58. next year i want to be in pear assistance or choir.
    -jason m.

  59. I would choose art because it is the best elective because you are able express your self.
    It is also very fun using art supples like paint and colored pencils. I also love clay. It is the very best class. <3

  60. I would choose spanish because I want to learn a different language. Or i would choose peer assitance because i would like to help out around the school.

    -Brendan O.

  61. I would chose spanish because i enjoy looking for a new language because when i grow up i want to be able to talk to people that speak spanish , and my second choice i s going to be art because i enjoy drawing what i like and haveing an open mind and i like the peacefulness of relaxing because i get unstressed from my life,

    -David F.

  62. The class that I would choose would be student government. I would choose this class because I am interested to help the school and learn more about the news and activities that happen in school in the school year.

    -Ezequiel R.

  63. My first choice would be Peer Assistance and Student Goverment.My second choice would be Spanish.

    -Talia D.
    -p 3

  64. i would choose art for my first elective because sence i was small i loved to draw and color and stuff as i grew up my dad tought me how to draw human. If i had a second choice i would choose spainsh cuz i am half mexican but i dont know spanish at all so my mom wants me to know alittle spanish.

    -Donna L.

  65. My elective would be spanish because when i go to high school i would know how to speak it. Also when i go to other countries that speak spanish i will learn it and i will know a lot of languages.

    -Catherine P.
    -P. 3

  66. As an elective, I would choose art because you can loose your mind and draw what you want in the class. I would also choose spanish because in High School, you need to know another language and it will get rid of a year in of language high.
    -Lena A.
    -perid 3

  67. my first allective would be peer assistance because yo get to help others out. My next choice would be spanish because it would give me a head start on High school, but I really want Peer assistance

    ~Aliya E. <3
    -PER. 3

  68. My first allective would be peer assistance because i want to help others. My next allective would be theater arts because i like to act and be free.

    -Michelle A.
    -period 3

  69. If i had to choose my next elective i would choose choir and as a second choice band.

    My first choice would be choir because i really like music and expressing it through your own personal instrument would be awesome.

    My second elective would be Band, because i love playing instruments, i can play guitar, piano, and drums. and when ever i play any of them it makes me so happy, so this is why i would choose my electives. cause basicly music is my life (=

    -Addie K

  70. Taylor's first choice for elective next year is Student Government,second choice would be Spanish. Jamie's first choice for next year electives is probably Spanish but i also would really like to do student government so those two are probably tied for first.

    -Taylor A.period 3
    -Jamie M.period 3

  71. My first elective that I would choose would be peer assistance because I like to help others and i can do good things for the school! My second choice would be Spanish because I want to know a different language.

    -Paige E.
    -Period 3

  72. We would choose to take Peer Assistance and Student Government because we would love to help out center street kids and teachers.

    Marielas second choice would be Spanish because i would like to learn more about the Spanish culture and its language.

    Rileys second choice would be choir because i love to sing and its fun to learn dances and my friends are in that class.

    Mariela G. and Riley D.

  73. The first elective that we would choose is art. WE would choose art because we get to express ourselves when creating our artwork and use our imagination as well. The second elective that we would choose is peer assisstance because helping others is a kind, helpful, and fun thing to do.

    Cameron Rollin, Daisy Leon

  74. In seventh grade i would like to take either peer assistance or spanish. the reason i would like to take these two electives becus i thought that they would be very inspiring and it would be really fun to have these two classes next year. Another reason why i want these two classes or electives is to learn new things and to experiance new things that i havent in sixth grade

    Aleena A.
    period 5

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. If i would have to chose two electives it would be computers and band. I would chose computers because i revolve moer aound electronics then andy thing else. I would also chose band because i already know how to play the guitar and bass a little and i want to improve myself.

    Matthew A
    Period 5

  77. My elective would be spanish because you get an oppurtunity of get a scholarship, of a job because may people know of the language and use it.

    So if I were to choose one it'd be spanish

    Kyle Coony

  78. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  79. i like art but band can be cool

  80. If we could choose one class for next year, we could choose yearbook and/or Spanish.

    Ava J.
    Tabitha G.
    P. 6

  81. next year i would like to be in student goverment becuase i would be able to plan the things for the school dances, make cool posters and get to help people around school and enter opinoins about what we could do to change the school.

  82. my electives that i would choose would be art then peer accistance cuz i love art becuz it expresses my feelings

    noelle h.

  83. mrs kaplanis rox :)::):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  84. my first choice would be art because it is fun and my second choice would be spanish so i could learn a new language

    hunter m.
    peiod 6

  85. I would like to have art or computers because i love to express myself. Computers also has paint on it :)

  86. I would choose art because it is fun. School would be borring without art.

    second would be computer because i like it alot.

    Anthony D.

    6th period

  87. My first choice would be peer assistance because I would like to help other people out and Ms. Cline is one of my favorite teachers. My second choice would be Spanish because I would want to be ahead in high school and learn a new language.

    -Lisa C.
    -Period 5

  88. My first choice would be peer assistants and student government because it seems easy and fun and you get to help out teachers. My second choice would be art because you don't get a lot of homework and you can draw what you want.
    -Morgan M.

  89. My first choice would be choir because I love to sing and dance. My second choice would be art because I love to draw and be creative.

    -Miranda R.
    -Per. 5

  90. My first elective choise would be spanish because I want to learn a different language. My second choice would be peer assistance because I like to help others.

    -Kylie R.
    -Period 5

  91. I would choose peer assistance for my first and spanish for my second becuase they are my favorite and they involve things i love, helping and learning new languages.

    -Tiana S
    -p. 5

  92. I would choose spanish and PEER ASSISTANCE because with spanish I can learn something new. With PEER ASSISTANCE because i can help.

    -Karis O.
    -Period 5

  93. If I could choose my elective I would chose peer assistance and student government for my first choice and art for my second choice. I choose my first choice because I think it is fun and not so boring. I chose my second choice because I think it is fun but I am not a great artist.
    -Michelle G.

  94. my first choice would be band because i love to make music and my second choice would be choir because i love to sing.
    -Becky T.

  95. my first choice would be spanish, so i could know what everyone is saying when visiting my family. My second choice would be band, that way i could learn how to play the flute.again.
    -katrina .k

  96. I would choose art because it is what i'am good at and it is what i enjoy. All the other electives seem harder. Art is what i like doing better than all the other electives.

    -Alexandre S.

  97. The first electives i want to be in is art. The second is coumputers/ journalism/ yearbook. I choose these two electives because they are all creative and the yearbook elective i've always wanted to design it or put it together or anything.

    -Joseph R.
    -per. 5

  98. the two electives I would choose would be spanish and peer assistance because I can speak spanish and it is the most important elective.

    -kenneth K.

  99. At ESMS, there is actually a good amount of electives to choose from. The one that stands out to me being the most fun is Art Class. I would like to take this class in middle school at ESMS because we get to do what we like to do. We get to do assignments that are not only fun to do, but also a little challenging to do. In electives you must have a little of a challenge. I would also prefer a challenge. I took this elective my two years of being in middle school, other that wheel in 6th grade. I suggest Art Class to be at the top of the list for electives.

    -David F.
    -Per. 5

  100. Next year I would like to have art because it is really fun. And my second choice would be Chior. Because it is about having fun and having friends.

    -Period 5
    -Ryan F.

  101. Our choice would be art because it is a fun subject that allows us show our creativity. Our second choice would be Spanish because we would like to speak a second language. Our third choice would be computers because we will learn to be great at technological stuff.

    -Cameron R. (boy)
    -Saqif H.

  102. My first choice would be art since it is the only elective that I can express my creativity. My second choice would be computers since I'm a whiz with them.

  103. The two electives I would choose would be computer and spanish. I would choose computers because it would be fun. I chose spanish because it wouldn't have to take a different language as many times in high school.

    -Tanner S.
    -Period 5

  104. The first elective that I would chose to have is Art. Art is very fun and enjoying. The Second elective that I would chose to have is Spanish. Spanish will help me for the high school Spanish class that is difficult.
    -Tony E.

  105. Next year we would pick peer asstiance becasue we gert to grade papers and help our peers at our school. For are second pick it would be art becasue we love our great teacher MS. K and we love art.

    -Evan W.
    -Parshan S.

  106. For my first choice I really want spanish because it i better for me when I go to high school. For my second choice i really ant student goverment because I heard it was really fun and you get to prepare the dances! --Shila B.
    -period 6

  107. our first choice for electives for next year would be art. Becasue we love art to death. And I need art for a lot of things. like get into the college I want to go to. but our second choice would be choir because its fun to sing and you can get all your feelings out.

    -Piper M.
    -Siarra H.

  108. my elective that i would like is theatre arts.i choose theatre because i really enjoy acting and did acting when i was in fourth grade.my second choice would probably be art again because art is very relaxing to me.
    -Brianna H.

  109. Hi its me jasmine and leilani. We where talking and that we are going to pick thether arts. Because we would like to try something new. Art is fun but we like to sing and dance. Our second choice would be spanish, beacuse many people in america speak spanish so it would be very useful to learn spanish. Our third choice would be choir, bea
    cause again we like to sing and daaaaaaaaance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry we did not pick art but we need to try new things.
    -Jasmine K.
    -Leilani P.

  110. Our first choice would be spanish, because we didn't get in last time. Our second choice would be student government, because it looks like fun to organize the dances.

    -Jordan D.
    -Kayla R.

  111. my first choice of my elactive would be spanish. the reason i would choose spanish is because it will help me in high scool and colledge. my second choice of a elective would be art because art is sooooo very fun, and because it is healthy for me to express myself. my 3 choice would be drama because im not a super big fan of acting and uits realy kinda boring. they should cut drama instead of art because up kids need to make time for art and we wont enless we do at school.
    -Brittany C.

  112. my first choice of an elective would be art because when ever I get bored I draw anything I want. My 2nd would be band because If you want to have fun get a musical instrument and play in one of your bands.
    -Sebastian H.

  113. >Art

    I think that Art is fun because you get to do cool projects and draw.

    -Jack L.

  114. If I could pick any elective I wanted I would pick Spanish. I think that class is fun to take because you get to learn a second language. My second choice for an elective is peer assistance because I like helping other kids around my school!

    -Samantha D.
    -Period 6

  115. we like choir because we get to express our feelings by singing and it is something we both love to do.


  116. Next year i want to take peer assencince because i like helping other people and i like to help with anything.My second choose would be spanish because i want to learn different languges and learn how to speak spanish.

    -Carley L.
    -period 6

  117. We would pick as our first elective would be art because it lets you develop your right side of your brain. And its good to express yourself. Our second pick would be choir because in our old school we were always in the choir and we love to sing.

    -PER 6

  118. In my opinion I would choose At then Student government because I like them both the same but Art enables me to express my feelings.
    -Garrett N.

  119. If I were to pick another elective I would most likely choose student government. I have never tried it before and it sounds very enjoyable. I would like to be able to make choices like that and hope I will make it in there.
    -Ethan T.

  120. If i was to pick my elective it would be art.I choosed art because i like my teacher . I also choosed it becaused i like to draw alot. i always wanted to be an artist my favorite thing to draw are animals. i realy hope i get to have art for next year. art is fun because you get to paint,draw,and coler. drawing is my favorite thing to do. my favorite thing about art is to paint my drawings and to draw. i love art and want to get it again for next year.
    -Dailynn H.

  121. I wouldn't pick anything else for my elective because I freaking love art. It's so an awesome way to express yourself.
    -Ethan G.

  122. I would like art for my choise.
    -Osvaldo N.

  123. 1. Art becuase you get to espress yourslef 2. Spanish becuase its good to have a different language on your applications.

    Nick N.
    Period 6

  124. i have decided to not pick anythything other cause i freaking love art.
    -Chris S.

  125. my chioces are chior and theater arts because i am a good singer and good acter

  126. My eleective choice for next year would be either art or band, because I enjoy doing both art and playing instuments. I have been doing art since I was 9 and piano for 3 years so I am very comfortable with the two subjects. I love how in art you can express yourself and be spontanious.
    It is the same way with piano I think because they are both forms of art. If I were to choose an elective for next year I would pick band so I could try something new and learn how to better improve my piano playing skills.

    -Layla C.
    -Period 6

  127. Two electives I want to take are art and Spanish because art is needed for many collages and Spanish is needed because many jobs require you to know two languages and it might come in handy in every day life.
    -Caitlin H.

  128. If i could take any elective class to have it would have to be art. If Art was taken then i would pick choir.

    -Taylor G.

  129. I would choose choir and band. I say that because its always been my dream to go on american idol and meet simon cal. Simon cal is the apple in my eye and i wish he was my father.Choir is also fun because you are allowed to perform in from of parents and other people. Band is awesome because, I like playing drums and blowong trumpets, they sound beautiful. Band is good because in the future I could have my own band. My leader would be Robin<3. He is the best, his voice is beautiful and sounds like an angle. But overall choir and band are our top two electives.


    Evan E.
    Robin. A.
    Period 5
